Invasão de Brigadeiros

Sim, é verdade. A minha cozinha foi tomada de assalto por este doce brasileiro, bem pequenino no tamanho mas com o poder de adoçar qualquer coração mais amargo.


Desde que acertei com a receita e o “ponto” do brigadeiro já não é a primeira vez que os faço, no entanto, desta vez a receita teve que ser a duplicar e tinha que estar perfeita pois o “provador” de serviço é exigente!! A primeira massa saiu bem, o mesmo não posso dizer da segunda. Não sei porquê mas qualquer coisa falhou. (Será que só me acontece a mim ficar mesmo desiludida quando um doce não me sai como eu quero, ao ponto de ter vontade de não o repetir? Espero que não.)

A senhora desilusão lá apareceu mas não teve outro remédio senão ir fazer uma visita a outra cozinha 🙂

Brigadeiros preparados, bem alinhados, é hora do ataque!!!


(rende cerca de 25-30, tamanho médio)

1 lata de leite condensado

1 pasta de chocolate

1 colher de sopa de manteiga

chocolate granulado (para decorar)

Numa panela deitar o leite condensado, a colher de sopa de manteiga e a pasta de chocolate partida aos bocados. Colocar a panela em lume brando, mexendo sempre. Mexe-se sem parar até a mistura ficar com uma aparência, espesso e consistente. Retirar do lume e deixar arrefecer.

No dia seguinte, untar as mãos com óleo e formar bolas pequenas. Passa-las pelo chocolate granulado e colocar em formas de papel.

Bon appétit!!

“Life is short. Start with dessert”

When we enter the store of Maria Brigadeiro, in São Paulo, we are greeted by this sentence or better, by this statement…

“Life is short. Start with dessert.”

and isn’t she right?

Because if dessert is as sweet and delicious as the brigadeiros that I’ve found in this store… my god I’m doomed 🙂

Last October I’ve went to Maria Brigadeiro’s store with a group of friends, all eager to prove this famous brasilian sweet. The entrance of the store is already completely adorable, in my opinion, much in the style of pastries or cafes in Paris (which I love) and inside the brigadeiros of the day (since from about the 40 recipes of brigadeiros, only a few are prepared each day) make our choice very difficult.

We were met by an extremely pleasant gentleman who was very patiente with our group of “crazy for sweets” photographers helping us with our choices.

Each one began with four brigadeiros but let me tell you… it’s impossible not to eat more!! Best brigadeiros ever (apart from mine, of course!).

Smooth texture, that melts in your mouth, with the perfect size (not to big, not to small) and with a very interesting (and unic) variaty of flavours (white chocolate, almond, port wine, cachaça, peanut-butter, pistachio, etc….).

I’ve tried the tradicional flavour, hazelnut, black crunchy, white crunchy, lemon, pistachio…. from those that I can remember, and as you can see I’ve tried a lot (not only 4)!!!!!!

My three favorites were the black crunchy, white crunchy and the lemon, the first and second one due to the crisp 🙂 and the third one because of the mild and fresh flavour of lemon.

Since I cannot go there as much as I want to, I brought Juliana Motter’s Cookbook (the baker) to try some recipes at home.

 Does anyone dares to be my official taster?

Sweet Christmas!!!!!


“Brigadeiro” is a very popular candy in Brazil. It’s named after the Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes and was created in the 1940s.

My first experience with a recipe of “brigadeiros” was a total disaster and I told myself I would never do that again. Until one day, when I tasted some “brigadeiros” that made me question my decision. They were delicious, the taste, the texture, yummy. Needless to say, I repeated the recipe and this time it came out perfect!brigadeiroI should have known that one should never say never….. Continue reading